Instagram: how to take your food pics to the next level?

Let’s admit that we all like to photograph food : either if it’s for our Instagram feed, for work or as a souvenir to never forget the most delicious pizza in Napoli (and how delicious it was at that moment!). Therefore, here you can find some tips on the best way to photograph your best and most delicious food memories.

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To begin, this is strongly recommended that you clean the camera before taking your picture : you can do it with a cotton cloth (for example, a T-shirt or a napkin). This is a golden rule that, for some reason, is not yet known by everyone, but such a simple action will save you many additional manipulations during treatment.

But, if you’ve missed this moment and you are now very sad, because the croissants are bitten and the heart pattern on the cappuccino is irreparably broken, do not worry! The contrast tool in any application will help you with your misfortune, whether it's VSCO Cam, Snapseed or the good old Instagram.

Here are the key elements you have to focus on :

Lighting. The thing is obvious, but is worth mentioning. It is better to shoot (although not necessarily) in daylight, meaning you have to sit somewhere near a window. In other cases, it is likely that you are tormented with colors from artificial light, with additional shadows and, in general, everything will probably not be as cool as the real scene.

The decor/ background on which everything is placed. It is preferable to have a monochrome background and, ideally, simply luminous, for example a marble, a wood table or a white tablecloth. If your tablecloth has a psychedelic pattern of roses and butterflies, then yes, it's a bad option!

What exactly are you photographing? Of course, not for everyone, but I assure you that mash or beef stew will lose in this uneven battle not only against desserts, but also against steaks and pasta with seafood. What always looks good : glasses with water, glasses with wine, fruits, platter of cheese, olives and fries. The list is incomplete, as you understand it.

Color. To make the photo pleasant and harmonious, I advise you not to dazzle, but to leave two, three shades maximum that combine in the picture and play with colors from there. Let’s say white-beige or white-green-yellow. It looks natural, minimalist and soft.

Shorten. High objects in the frame are always distorted, especially if they are not exactly in the center of the composition. If you take the photo from above with bottles, vases, glasses or large glasses into the frame, keep in mind that the lemonade in a tall carafe will necessarily slide a little to one side. In some cases, this seems quite appropriate. But if it bothers you, you can choose an angle of 30 to 40 degrees. And do not forget to leave "air" in the frame - do not shoot objects too close.

Accents. You should not put all the bright juices in the upper right corner at the same time, leaving the bottom left corner "faded" and loaded only with large plates. Try to balance all the objects in the frame as evenly balanced and natural as possible. Dilute with small bulky, dark with light. And place the bright details away from each other.

But in general, I advise you not to throw garbage on the table, not to scatter a lot of small details, not to try to "stuff" absolutely all the dishes in the photo. On the contrary, it is better to have less (yes less is more!).

And the last rule is- there are no rules. The time of plates and cups perfectly arranged in the frame is over - it seems too artificial and boring. Improvise, deliberately destroy symmetry. Eat your croissants, drink your coffee and do not make your mate wait while the dishes are cooling down. It is much more enjoyable to see live pics with an olive kernel, a creased towel or a glass of wine almost drunk . Such photographs indicate that you have captured your daily routine as it really is.