How to master the perfect breakfast

Staying at home has made us value more every moment, every detail, the quality of our daily routines.

Breakfast is one of the most important moments of the day. It’s a moment for yourself, to take all the energy you will need to face the new day. In our daily lives, we usually have a quick breakfast, running out of home, or we take something to eat on the way, or what is worse, sometimes we don’t even have breakfast when we are running out of time. 

This is the reason why we want to make a statement and open the world’s eyes to discover how beautiful and joyful a breakfast can be. Here you will find all you need about breakfast inspiration.

Take your time and enjoy preparing it! Mix sweet with salty, and fruits with flowers! Include as much topping as you like on your toast or crepes.

Try to be creative with your coffee, and add fruits to bring not only an amazing taste, but bright color! Even drawing on your marmalade or nutella, will create a nice and original plate that you can share with your loved ones.  

For finishing with the breakfast ritual, don’t forget to relax, enjoy while creating it, but also while eating. Take this moment as a pause on the day to take care of yourself or also share it with someone you love. You can take breakfast to bed, or have it next to a window, or while reading a book…

Find your own way to relax and make breakfast one of the best moments of the day, at the end, all little moments construct a day, make small things incredible to have every day an amazing day!