How to make an Instagram-worthy coffee

Coffee is one of the biggest pleasures of all time. For us, coffee lovers, quarantine has been a perfect moment to learn more about it! Nowadays, there is a whole culture around this brewed drink that comes from roasted and ground beans of the coffee plant. Currently coffee is more than a drink, it’s a moment, an experience, a beautiful practice that you can easily enjoy and grow on it, making everyday different. 

Since social media came to our lives, the fact of sharing your cup of coffee it's a timeless trend that has no age, and no location. Absolutely everyone from all around the world is showing how they make their coffee and all different ways there are to treat it. This is why Latte Art is a new strong concept with amazing practices behind. 

Everyone can take the role of a professional barista and learn how to do your best coffees at home! It really can be a challenge but practice makes perfect, and at the end you will get a beautiful result, not only on the appearance, but also on texture and flavour. 

Here are same tips to make a beautiful coffee: 

Create foam.

The foam is the perfect final touch to add on top of your coffee. It will allow you to create shapes, add toppings, or decorate it as you want. You can create a beautiful white foam by will beating the milk. But it’s not only the milk you can steamed… By mixing coffee powder, sugar and water, you can steam the coffee and change the game! But the coffee spume on top of the milk and you will get a beautiful ‘dalgona coffee’. 

Mix and play with forms.

Even if coffee is a traditional hot drink, in some countries, they love having coffee with ice during summer. So we encourage you to try to mix ice, liquid and foam! A good trick to have an original coffee is to put half of a glass of milk inclined in the fridge. You can use any object to hold it against one of the fridge’s walls. The milk will freeze and after that you can add the hot coffee. This will make an amazing two sides design in diagonal! Another trick is mixing the foam milk by moving it side to side to create figures. You can also freeze small balls of chocolate, ice cream or coffee and add it later to the drink. Think about the states of matter and be creative to get the most original designs! 

Use sirup and toppings.

After adding the foam on top, it’s time to play! Doing forms with siropes and toppings is very easy. Once you put sirope, moving it to create a form, you can mix it or change it with a barilla to have different shapes and lines. It is also very easy and creative to play with toppings. It can be with a small template to create a drawing. There are millions of designs to choose from! Heart, animals, flowers, or personalized messages… you can always shop for your favourite ones! But if you don’t want to go that enthusiastic about it, you can just add a bit of cocoa powder, or cinnamon, and some chocolate bars, small cookies or fruit. That will make your coffee look the best! 

Last but not least, if you like crockery, and home design accessories, you can always have beautiful cups and glasses to create the best coffees in the world!

All these together will make your coffee look beautiful, and will make you enjoy it much more than before.

Remember: at first it will not look the best, but practice will make you a professional barista!