Creativity dose with... Juny Breeze

Capture d’écran 2019-10-03 à 16.30.31.png

Define your style in 3 words :

Fun, Simple-cut, Vintage

Your favorite fashion brands?

YSL, Agnes B, Rouje

Your female muse/ inspirational person ?

Lately it's Yasmeen Ghauri. Been diving into her 80's catwalks;

Basics every woman should have in her dressing room?

A perfect cut blazer, a pair of jeans that enhance your bodyshape and a bag that makes you happy to walk with :)

How do you recharge your batteries ?

I go to hammam with my mother and watch an old egyptian movie back home with mint tea.

I do that almost every weekend.

The Art you chose to express yourself ? ( music, painting..)

I can be pretty versatil when it come to art. And got the chance to have an artistic family that helped me master many different art.

So it can be photography, painting or dancing :)

Favorite artists in any field?

Faten Hamama. She is an Egyptian Actress from the 60's.

Google her, her acting and her interviews hypnotize me :)

Who do you dream to meet?

My true self I guess ? I'm not the kind to fanatize somebody, and I can't help but still discovering myself through my artistic paths.

What is your favorite restaurant ?

A restaurant called SuperNature ! The menu changes every 2 weeks and the dishes are super fresh and audacious.

It's art actually :)

Your favorite museum?

I love diving into the old Musée Montmartre.

Also Château de Versailles in a lovely place to hide.

Readings to advise?

If you like romance but are very open minded, I suggest "La nuit des temps" from Barjavel.

My favorite book ever ! It's melting romance and science fiction and geopolitics in a very harmonious way.

And evenknow it's not recent it's so actual to todays environmental issues !

Your favorite quote ?

"The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud." - Coco Chanel.

A style advice to give?

Carefully observe yourself before folllowing trends blindly. Wheather it's your body shape or what really makes you happy.

My mother always told me this and I started to understand this very lately :)

Your favorite IG account?

I really love the inspiration account of @Laparisiennestylee.

What are your sources of inspiration?

Most of my inspiration comes from music and paintings.

Your biggest dream?

To be able to freely express my creativity in a way that helps and entertains.

Follow Juny on Instagram : @junybreeze