Creativity dose with... Alizée Gamberini

Capture d’écran 2019-10-03 à 15.48.10.png

Define your style in 3 words :

Androgynous street grunge combo

Your favorite fashion brands?


Ader Error


Marine Serre

Levis for their perfect denims

Your female muse/ inspirational person ?

Aymeline Valade

Basics every woman should have ?

Men suit

White T-shirts

Dr Martens with platforms

How do you recharge your batteries ?

Spending time with people I love, like hanging in a parc doing absolutely nothing just talking and chilling, or going to the gym to expulse all my stress and anger with my sister.

The Art you chose to express yourself ? ( music, painting..)

I am addicted to music, it allows me to express all my feelings. To feel them deeply. But most of the time I am writing a lot in journals. I like to write about my life. It would be funny in the future to read this again.

Favorite artists in any field?

Francis Bacon, Jackson Pollock, Cy Twombly (...)

Tame Impala

John Travolta

Who do you dream to meet?

Marylin Manson

Your favorite restaurant?

Minh Chau, little Vietnamese restaurant 14 rue de la verrerie 75003.

Your favorite museum?

Musée Gustave Moreau, 14 rue de la Rochefoucault, 75009

Readings to advise?

« La confusion des sentiments »

« Le parfum »

Your favorite quote ?

This too shall past (from my friend Pia)

A style advice to give?

Wear everything you like without thinking of what the other people are going to think about it.

Your favorite IG account?


What are your sources of inspiration?

People, streets, family, music and movies. I can find inspiration in everything I guess, it all comes so naturally to me. It’s like a feeling I don’t know how to express it.

Your biggest dream ?

Be able to speak a lot of different languages.

Follow Alizée on Instagram : @alizeegamberini