3 stylish handbag brands you need to check out

If you’re looking to expand your handbag repertoire, you should. There are so many brands out there that carry high-quality, chic and sophisticated handbags – for almost a quarter of the price of regular designer items! Check out our 3 recommended bag brands that are bound to turn heads in the gallery above.

More than just a clever concept, Karen Vogt offers you a whole new gesture that helps you go through your day with ease. Under the refined and understated look, you will discover not just one bag, but two, not just one capacity, but two, not just one function, but several!

L’Espiègle by Karen Vogt

L’Espiègle by Karen Vogt

Le Généreux by Karen Vogt

Le Généreux by Karen Vogt

Le Complice by Karen Vogt

Le Complice by Karen Vogt

Follow Karen Vogt on Instagram @karenvogtmoods

HVISK is a Danish fashion brand founded in Copenhagen in 2014. The brand is inspired by the vibrant streets of Copenhagen with an ambition of designing bags creating the feeling of a playful, colourful or detail-oriented look that will give the individual a more personal style.  

”We constantly want to be better, explore and develop, and we get inspired daily. We want to make unique design, stay playful and colorful, and we strive to make a better tomorrow.” – Michael Aoun, CEO

Cayman MINI by HVISK

Cayman MINI by HVISK

NEAT peach by HVISK

NEAT peach by HVISK



Follow HVISK on Instagram @hvsik

Created by Alice Violier in September 2018. Young Parisian adoring fashion, her passion for accessories pushed her to create ones who look like her. All creations are handmade in Paris ... by her. The universe of the brand? Color, pearls, and sparkling creations for every moment of life.

Moune Paris

Moune Paris

Moune Paris

Moune Paris

Moune Paris

Moune Paris

Follow Moune Paris on Instagram @moune.paris